New plant, now what?


Here are some basic tips on what to do and what not to do when buying a new plant:


• Inspect your plant before you buy it. If you see creepy crawlies or any sign of bacterial or fungal infection, leave it. You’ll most likely end up infecting your other houseplants if you don't.

• Isolate the plant. There is always a risk of the new plant being sick or having pests; so, be sure and keep it separate from your other plants for a few weeks. As soon as you are sure it's healthy, you can unite them.

• Protect your plant from the weather. If temperatures drop below 40° you should always cover your plant and protect the foliage from the cold. Trust me…. a few seconds of freezing wind doesn't seem harmful, but it can kill your plant instantly. I had to learn that the hard way.


• Try to save a plant. It is a hard battle with which even experts have problems. If you truly want to enjoy your plant, just buy a healthy one.

• Repot right away. You should resist the urge to repot your new plant for as long as you can. Plants need to acclimate to their new home. It's always a little shock for them to get relocated, especially when they come out of prime conditions like the greenhouse. Repotting is going to shock them even more.

• Underestimate pests. Even if you think "That's not me! My house is clean. Where would pests come from?" Believe me, they will come sooner or later. They come out of nowhere and are suddenly everywhere. When you buy a plant make sure to regularly check for pests and other diseases. And be ready to fight the fight if necessary.


Philodendron Care